When making a meta-commentary on a genre, is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed? When Wes Craven gave us Scream, with its rule-spouting characters, the self-awareness of genre clichés was somewhat fresh, but now, post-Cabin in the Woods, the subversion of the genre has almost become a cliché in and of itself, and herein…
Tag: meta
ScoobyNatural (2018) – Review
When Sam and Dean are not saving the world from an oncoming apocalypse or bickering over keeping secrets from each other, they occasionally get to have a mystery that is just pure fun, with no dire consequences looming in the wings. The episode titled ScoobyNatural is a great example of the showrunners knowing exactly what…
Tarzan and the Foreign Legion: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Tarzan is no novice when it comes to war, in Tarzan the Untamed he mowed down countless Germans during WWI, but in Tarzan and the Foreign Legion, we get a book that feels like more a military adventure story than Tarzan the Untamed did; which mostly resembled a standard Tarzan adventure that just happened to…
The Final Girls (2015) – Review
If Friday the 13th had a love child with Pleasantville the result would be Todd Strauss-Schulson’s ode to slasher films, The Final Girls. Written by M.A. Fortin and Joshua John Miller, and starring a talented teen body count, this movie has everything a fan of the genre could want. What is surprising is that it…