What would you do if you woke up to find your favourite band no longer existed? Would you recreate the songs and sell them off as your own or would you just let it be? What about your favourite book or movie? This interesting scenario is presented in Yesterday when after an accident, Jack wakes up…
Tag: music
Rocketman (2019) – Review
Music biopics are some of the hardest movies to stand out and be remembered by audiences due to the similar structure of their stories and reliance on familiar music to drive home the movie to the audience. Rocketman is the latest music biopic to connect with audiences as it looks at Elton John, who’s brought us some…
Terrible Thrills Vol. 2 – A Terrible idea, or a Thrilling reimagination?
While some artists lend a hand in resculpting the soundscape into something bold and completely reshaped, which often comes with rewarding and positive results, others fall short on trying to tamper with a song that either had already reached near-perfection, or took too much creative freedom and gave birth to something muddled with electronic sounds, such as is the case with Carly Rae Jepsen’s cover of ‘Shadow’.
Is Music Dead?
The truth is that modern pop music evolves, and has always evolved, from rising trends. It’s easy to see that today’s modern pop radio is heavily influenced from the Pop Rock and Hip Hop movements of the 90’s. You can’t listen to Top 40 radio without a dozen appearances from rappers and ‘one-liner musicians’ who jump in to announce their name, spout a few pointless lyrics, then fade into the background. It’s one of the most profitable genre’s right now because the majority of those listening to pop radio aren’t looking for virtuosity, over-complex instrumentation, or complicated lyrics written like poetry.
‘Rumours’ – Fleetwood Mac (Review)
‘The Chain’ is a significant highlight for not only the entirety of ‘Rumours’, but of most of Fleetwood Mac’s career, as well: memorable guitar riffs synchronize with percussion while vocalists harmonize with accuracy that takes many professionals years to master. The introduction is an important fixture, as the opening guitar hook, with its notable ‘twang’, properly demonstrates not only an important effect on the sound, but also establishes the sound direction of the entire record and showcases the quality of the production, giving subtle hints and details that wouldn’t otherwise be noticeable.