After kicking off their animated division with Antz, a blatant cash-in of Pixar/Disney’s animated flick A Bug’s Life, DreamWorks decided to boldly venture into territory rarely explored by family-friend animated films, that of the Bible story. Aside from such straight-to-video offerings like the Veggie Tales religion and cartoons seldom mixed and when Jeffrey Katzenberg decided…
Tag: Patrick Stewart
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019) – Review
When it comes to kid’s films, “wish fulfillment” has to be one of the most popular genres — who wouldn’t want to find out they’re a wizard and get to attend a magical school — but there is always a price for such granted wishes, mainly some villainous bastard will want you dead. In the…
Logan (2017) – Review
It’s hard to believe that it’s been seventeen years since we first saw Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart in the very first X-Men movie, now almost two decades later they bring this cinematic relationship to a beautiful close.
X-Men 2 (2003) – Review
With Days of Future Past about to hit theaters this Friday, I thought it would be a good opportunity to revisit my favorite X-Men film to date, X2. Although, there is that motion comic of Astonishing X-men…… (Anything that starts with a voice over by Patrick Stewart has got to be great, right?) The X-Men…