The Land of Hidden Men (also known as The Jungle Girl) is a classic Burroughs “lost world” story where the protagonist will stumble upon a lost civilization and the dangers within and eventually find true love. This is of course is all done in the way only Edgar Rice Burroughs can do it.
Tag: pulp adventure
The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote only four westerns and The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County was the last of them. It was published in the pages of Thrilling Adventures magazine and illustrated by his son John Coleman Burroughs. What makes this book stand out from many other westerns is that not only was it a good…
The Eternal Savage: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
The Eternal Savage could be considered one of the more “out there” stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs as although it has many of the elements and tropes of his other books, this one comes across more Twilight Zone-ish than one might expect.
Savage Pellucidar: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Savage Pellucidar is the last of the “hollow earth” stories by Burroughs and like Land of Terror it is more of a collection of loosely connected short stories than a novel; The Return to Pellucidar, Men of the Bronze Age and Tiger Girl and Savage Pellucidar. This book was not published until twelve years after…
Land of Terror: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Written in 1944 Land of Terror is the penultimate book in the Pellucidar series and one that was never serialized as it was rejected by all his usual publishers. Having read it I’m not all that surprised.