“Greetings from Earth” was a special two hour episode that has the our ragtag fleet finally encountering the first humans that were not part of the original Twelve Colonies, unfortunately part of that encounter involves Space Nazis.
Tag: robots
Chappie (2015) – Review
In 2008 Neill Blomkamp was tapped by Peter Jackson to direct a Halo movie – which excited many – but when that fell through he was given money to produce his own pet project District 9 – a film that beautifully blended science fiction with apartheid – and though that film went on to be…
Vice (2015) – Review
A futuristic resort populated by robots where the guest can act out any fantasy may sound familiar to anyone who’s seen or heard of Michael Crichton’s Westworld but director Brian Miller’s sci-fi thriller Vice does so little with the premise that it’s almost not worth calling this movie a rip-off.
Top Ten Movie Robots
Robots and science fiction movies go together like a horse and carriage, well if the horse was a robot duplicate and the carriage was a landspeeder, but you get my meaning. Since the very early days of cinema robots have fascinated moviegoers, whether the robot be a helpful aid to the hero or a villainous…