In 1975, NBC released an Invisible Man series created by television legends Harve Bennett and Steven Bochco, sadly, poor ratings saw the end of that show after only one season, but apparently, the network had faith that a show about an invisible agent was a viable idea and that they just needed the right mix…
Tag: spy thriller
The Invisible Man (1975) – Review
The idea of an invisible secret agent is certainly an enticing one — what could be better than a spy that no one can see — and it’s such an obvious premise that it had already been explored during the Universal Pictures run of Invisible Man movies, where in the 1946 movie Invisible Agent, the…
Carson of Venus: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Serialized in Argosy Magazine in 1938, Carson of Venus is a not too subtle attack on Nazi Germany. Though the book has all the romance and adventure one expects in a book by Edgar Rice Burroughs it also includes some of his more scathing political commentaries. In such books as The Moon Men, and even this…