Created by Marvel Comics writer Steve Gerber and produced by animation house Ruby-Spears Productions the Saturday morning cartoon Thundarr the Barbarian may have only thrilled children for two years but forty years later and you will still find many fans of this animated classic, a series that could be considered the precursor to shows like…
Tag: Steve Gerber
Man-Thing (2005) From Comic Book to Screen
One of the great mysteries in the history of film is how and why Marvel put into production a film based on the comic book monster Man-Thing, a character with almost no name recognition – outside of comic book fans that is – and as a title it hadn’t been in publication for years, but…
Howard the Duck (1986) From Comic Book to the Big Screen
It’s hard to believe that the first Marvel character to make its way to the big screen was something as off-beat and off-brand as Howard the Duck; both Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk had earlier managed to make it to the small screen with varying degrees of success but no attempts at a cinematic venture…