Lasting one season, with only eight episodes, this particular run of Super Friends did have some rather interesting elements added to it, most notably the caliber of villains on display.
Tag: SuperFriends
The Many Faces of Superman
“It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Superman!” It would be hard to deny that there is no character more iconic than Superman, you would have to travel to a very obscure and isolated spot on this Earth to locate someone who couldn’t identify The Man of Steel from even just his trademark symbol –…
Super Friends: “Invasion of the Earthors”
Stand back folks, it’s The Wonder Twins! The year is 1977 and Star Wars mania was sweeping the globe so good-bye Marvin, Wendy and Wonder Dog and say hello to Zan, Jayna and their space monkey Gleek! With this iteration of The Super Friends Hanna-Barbera decided to break the hour long show into four…
Super Friends: “The Power Pirate”
In 1973 kids everywhere were overjoyed that their favorite superheroes were coming to Saturday morning cartoons, produced by the giants of televised animation Hanna-Barbera, comic fans were finally able to see the likes of Batman and Superman battling the forces of evil…well, to be honest they mainly inconvenienced the forces of evil (and by…