Directed by George P. Cosmatos, this film takes viewers on an underwater adventure that attempted to combine the creature-feature thrills of John Carpenter’s Thing with that of claustrophobic tension of Ridley Scott’s Alien, in an underwater horror entry that, despite its viscous sea monsters who relentlessly stalk our valiant heroes, the true victim of this…
Tag: underwater adventure
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961) – Review
In 1954 Disney Pictures released 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, an adaptation of Jules Verne’s novel and one of the greatest undersea films ever produced, but then a few years later 20th Century Fox took audiences on a different kind of undersea adventure, this time with producer/director Irwin Allen at the helm, a man who…
Warlords of Atlantis (1978) – Review
Atlantis is the mythical island which supposedly sank beneath the waves thousands of years ago and it hasn’t stopped making trouble since, from the writings of Plato to the screenplays of Hollywood this fabled landmass has provided a great backdrop to some quite entertaining tales, also not so entertaining ones, and today we will be…