In the previous animated feature Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders, we saw Mystery Incorporated meet honest-to-goodness aliens, making it the gang’s first real foray into science fiction, but with Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase, the franchise ratchets the sci-fi element up to eleven. This time out, Scooby-Doo and friends find themselves digitized and sucked into…
Tag: video game
Arcade (1993) – Review
“I never believed in Heaven, but I learned to believe in Hell when mom sent me there.” That is the first line of the 1993 sci-fi horror movie Arcade, as spoken by the lead protagonist, a teenage girl who had her life turned upside when her mother committed suicide and her father sank into a…
Tomb Raider (2018) – Review
Video game adaptations have always been a dodgy prospect, who can forget Van Damme’s Streetfighter or the horrible Mario Brothers movie (no matter how hard we try), but transforming the Tomb Raider game into a movie always seemed like an easy prospect to me, it’s basically sexy Indiana Jones so how can you screw that…
Assassin’s Creed (2016) – Review
When one goes to see a movie based on a video game a certain level of understanding should be brought to the table and that bit of understanding would be that there is a very good chance the movie is going to suck.
In the Name of the King 3: The Last Mission (2014) – Review
In this last installment of the In the Name of the King trilogy Uwe “Why do people keep giving me money?” Boll returns to make another nonsensical piece of cinematic trash.