With the successful adaptations of two Sin City movies, based on the Frank Miller comics, it must have seemed like a great idea to give the man a shot at adapting the Will Eisner comic to the big screen as he was a big fan of the character, unfortunately, in the case of those Sin…
Tag: Will Eisner
The Spirit (1987) – Review
The Spirit is a fictional masked crimefighter created by cartoonist Will Eisner and first appeared in comics way back in 1940 despite remaining a somewhat popular character for decades he never reached the heights of say Batman or Superman and thus his road into other mediums never quite took.
Sheena (1984) – Review
In the 80s comic book-based movies were not quite the marketable thing they are today, the Marvel Cinematic Universe wasn’t even a twinkle in Kevin Feige’s eye yet, so when producer Paul Aratow began to bandy around the idea of bringing this old 1940s comic character to the big screen he was really going out…