In 1953 author Ian Fleming created one of the most well-known literary characters in history, a British Secret Service Agent whose exploits in twelve books and two collections of short stories have since been eclipsed by his cinematic achievements in what is currently the longest ongoing film franchise. The road to movie legendary status had…
Tag: You Only Live Twice
You Only Live Twice (1967) – Review
What happens when you get the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to write the screenplay for a Bond film? As odd as that question sounds the world was treated to the answer in 1967 when children’s author Roald Dahl adapted Ian Fleming’s You Only Live Twice to the big screen. With this film,…
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) – Review
After the two rather “low stakes” spy adventures found in Live and Let Die and The Man with the Golden Gun it was finally time for Roger Moore to step things up a tad and have a balls-to-the-wall action spectacular, a movie that would not only pit James Bond against an honest to goodness supervillain,…