In 1975, NBC released an Invisible Man series created by television legends Harve Bennett and Steven Bochco, sadly, poor ratings saw the end of that show after only one season, but apparently, the network had faith that a show about an invisible agent was a viable idea and that they just needed the right mix…
Author: Mike Brooks
Razorback (1984) – Review
When Spielberg’s monster hit Jaws arrived in theatres in the summer of ’75, the onslaught of rip-offs to follow was staggering, with such notable entries as 1977’s Orca,1978’s Piranha, and 1984’s The Last Shark, but such rip-offs were not relegated to creatures of the sea, and thus we got such “classics” as 1976’s Grizzly and the…
The Invisible Man (1975) – Review
The idea of an invisible secret agent is certainly an enticing one — what could be better than a spy that no one can see — and it’s such an obvious premise that it had already been explored during the Universal Pictures run of Invisible Man movies, where in the 1946 movie Invisible Agent, the…
The Nun (2018) – Review
Creating a cinematic universe is not easy — just ask the people over at Warner Bros with their DC Extended Universe — but producer James Wan seems to have struck gold with the ever-growing collection of horror movies that have spun off of the success of his 2013 horror film The Conjuring. Though to be…
Mortal Engines (2018) – Review
The science fiction subgenre of steampunk has been around for quite some time, giving readers a Victorian speculative fictional world where anachronistic technologies, or retrofuturistic inventions, all exist in a historical setting. Possibly the counter-genre to this is dystopian fiction, which imagines a world in which oppressive societal control (and the illusion of a perfect…