Is it odd that Ryan Reynolds’ first truly likable character in years is a serial killer? We most often find Reynolds playing arrogant douche bags in lame comedies, the less said about Green Lantern the better, so it was for me a nice surprise to see him playing such a quiet and immensely likable character. …
Author: Mike Brooks
Tarzan the Magnificent (1960) – Review
In this sequel to Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure, producer Sy Weintraub continues to make gritty character driven stories starring Tarzan, one that really captures much of the tone of the Burroughs books, and though this Tarzan doesn’t run into any lost cities, he is more in keeping with the intelligent and honorable hero from the books, as…
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) – Review
Director Matthew Vaughn brings us a jet-fueled tribute to the classic Bond films with this adaptation of Mark Millar’s and Dave Gibbons’s graphic novel The Secret Service and once again Vaughn greatly improves on the source material.
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010) – Review
Horror-themed Christmas movies are certainly nothing new, but writer/director Jalmari Helander gives us a Christmas movie that is a horror-fantasy-dark comedy-boy’s adventure tale, and that my friends is a rare export indeed.
Annabelle (2014) – Review
Horror films have been making a huge resurgence over the last few years with films like Insidious and The Conjuring making giant amounts of cash at the box office, so it should surprise no one that the studio decided the opening sequence of The Conjuring would make for a perfect spin-off/prequel movie.