With two films under their collective belts DreamWorks Animation tried to tackle Disney head-on with their action/adventure buddy comedy The Road to El Dorado, a film that would try to capture the goofy screwball elements of the Bob Hope and Bing Crosby “Road to” comedy series of the 1940s while also updating it with energetic…
Author: Mike Brooks
Zombies of Mora Tau (1957) – Review
Zombies have been a staple of horror films for quite some time dating back to Bela Lugosi in White Zombie, even Bob Hope encountered one in his 1940 film The Ghost Breakers, but they didn’t really come into their own until George Romero’s seminal classic Night of the Living Dead hit the scene back in…
The Prince of Egypt (1998) – Review
After kicking off their animated division with Antz, a blatant cash-in of Pixar/Disney’s animated flick A Bug’s Life, DreamWorks decided to boldly venture into territory rarely explored by family-friend animated films, that of the Bible story. Aside from such straight-to-video offerings like the Veggie Tales religion and cartoons seldom mixed and when Jeffrey Katzenberg decided…
The Invisible Boy (1957) – Review
The dream of most actors is that after their big break they will have a long career that would allow them to explore a variety of interesting roles, whether that be in film or television, but one does not expect such an outcome from what was basically a prop from a motion picture. In 1956…
Tobor the Great (1954) – Review
What young boy wouldn’t want a robot as a best friend? This very idea is the premise for Brad Bird’s amazing animated film The Iron Giant but the concept dates back to 1954 and a low-budget science-fiction flick called Tobor the Great, a film that pits nefarious individuals against an 11-year-old boy and his robot…