You will not find the phrase, “Me Tarzan, you Jane” in this production, hell you won’t even find Jane at all in this 1959 Tarzan film produced by Sy Weintraub, and as a fan of all things Tarzan I must say I couldn’t be happier.
Category: Film
Interstellar (2014) – Review
Christopher Nolan is a very talented filmmaker; movies like The Prestige, Memento and The Dark Knight has put him on my list of all-time favourite directors, now his latest movie Interstellar moves just a bit out of his comfort zone but is still a damn fine movie.
Raise the Titanic (1980) – Review
Clive Cussler is an author of over 50 books, many of which have made it on the New York Times bestsellers list, but when it comes to translating them to the big screen things have not gone so well. Dirk Pitt, the hero of most of Cussler’s sea adventures, seems a natural candidate for a…
The Many Faces of The Incredible Hulk
In 1962 Marvel’s creative giants Stan Lee and Jack Kirby brought the world The Incredible Hulk a story owing much to Lee’s love of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and as Ben Grimm’s orange monstrous form in Lee and Kirby’s Fantastic Four comic was so…
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) – Review
Going by the cinema today all ghosts are trying to possess you, drive you mad or drag you to hell if not all three but this was not always the case. In 1945 author Josephine Leslie under the pseudonym of R. A. Dick penned a beautiful story about a widow and a ghost and their…