Directed by George P. Cosmatos, this film takes viewers on an underwater adventure that attempted to combine the creature-feature thrills of John Carpenter’s Thing with that of claustrophobic tension of Ridley Scott’s Alien, in an underwater horror entry that, despite its viscous sea monsters who relentlessly stalk our valiant heroes, the true victim of this…
Category: Film
DeepStar Six (1989) – Review
In 1989 James Cameron released his underwater epic – the one not involving Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet and a big boat – but that year saw him challenged by four other ocean “thrillers|” with the first being DeepStar Six. This undersea adventure pitted a group of misfits against a menace from the deep and…
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) – Review
The greatest danger to ever face Superman was not Lex Luthor nor the nigh unstoppable creature Doomsday, and what the Man of Steel faced in this film was more hazardous than a cargo container full of kryptonite. And what exactly is this ultimate peril I speak of? That would be Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus…
Superman III (1983) – Review
With the worldwide success of Superman and Superman II the obvious direction to take this blossoming franchise was to sideline the title character and focus the bulk of the story on a stand-up comic turned actor, and sure, that sounds crazy as well as incredibly stupid but what do I know, I’m not a movie…
Superman II (1980) – Review
This is the thrilling follow-up to the 1978 superhero epic, the one that brought the Man of Steel to the big screen, in a sequel that had as much drama onscreen as off. Directed by Richard Lester – Richard Donner having been fired by the Salkinds after shooting about 75% of the film – this…