When a low budget horror film, one created simply to cash in on the success of another, makes almost ten times its investment back it shouldn’t be considered all that shocking if the studio wanted a sequel right quick. Enter first-time director Steve Miner and the creation of one of horror’s most iconic screen villains,…
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985) – Review
Dinosaurs have been brought into the modern world in a variety of different ways, such as atomic testing waking them up from a long slumber or genetic tinkering creating a theme park full of flesh and bloodthirsty monsters, but it was Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World that first introduced the idea of prehistoric beasts…
Friday the 13th (1980) – Review
“Halloween is making a shit-ton of money, let’s rip it off” and with those immortal words from producer/director Sean S. Cunningham to screenwriter Victor Miller, a horror franchise was born, of course, it was never intended to be a franchise and though Jason and his iconic hockey mask were a few years away – and…
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) – Review
Before we go any further let’s get one thing straight, in this movie neither Abbott nor Costello meets Frankenstein as it’s the monster they actually meet and not the infamous doctor who bears the name, there, is everyone satisfied? That kind of thing may win you points at pub trivia but not here, so let…
Ghost Ship (2002) – Review
Dark Castle Entertainment’s first two releases were remakes of William Castle’s House on Haunted Hill and Thirteen Ghosts – which is where the studio took its name from – and though both of those films garnered fairly good reviews for their third outing they decided to go with an original story and moved the horror…