This is not an adaptation of Herman Melville’s classic tale Moby Dick. This is an adaptation of the book that was based on the true events that inspired Herman Melville’s classic tale of Moby Dick. Got that? The book this movie is based on is Nathaniel Philbrick’s non-fictional account of the sinking of the American…
Tag: Cillian Murphy
Red Lights (2012) – Review
Science versus superstition is undoubtedly a great source of conflict for any good movie but when a movie tries to have its cake and it eat it too, well that’s a whole other kettle of psychic fish. That is the key problem with writer/director Rodrigo Cortés’s film, he doesn’t really pick a side. If you…
Red Eye (2005) – Review
By the end of the 90s director, Wes Craven had already cemented his position as one of the true kings of horror, from grungy low-budget offerings like The Hills Have Eyes, a supernatural outing that brought the world Freddy Krueger and the meta-horror of the Scream franchise, but in 2005 with a screenplay by Carl…