In 1982 director Wes Craven tackled the live-action adaptation of Swamp Thing, a DC comic book created by writer Len Wein and legendary artist Bernie Wrightson back in the 70s, but with a script that had only a modicum of similarities to the source material – a scientist turned into a swamp monster and a…
Tag: DC Comics
The Batman (2022) – Review
Since 1939 the world has seen many different versions of Batman, from the campy classic television series starring Adam West to the Gothic fairy tale of Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, but while Warner Bros. has tried their best to integrate the Dark Knight in the DC Extended Universe and it has not quite panned out…
Swamp Thing: The Animated Series (1990) – Review
Toy companies are always eager to launch new toy lines based on popular movies or kid’s cartoons but then we also have cartoons like He-Man and the Masters of the Universe which was basically a thirty-minute commercial for Mattel, and sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn’t. In the early 90s, Kenner teamed up with…
Elseworlds: An Arrowverse Crossover (2018) – Review
To say that DC’s theatrical attempts have had a rather bumpy run of things would be a vast understatement, yet on the small screen their collection of heroes have met with a fair amount of success — I myself enjoyed the first few seasons of Arrow, and season one and two of The Flash and…
Aquaman (2018) – Review
Has Warner Brothers and DC Comics given up on their Extended Universe? Having most of their projects being critically drubbed, as well as getting spanked in the box office by Marvel, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that the studio execs were rethinking their superhero film strategy. Case in point, their latest outing, the special…