The “Carson Napier of Venus series” was the last major series created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and nicely ties into his “shared universe” of Barsoom, Tarzan and Pellucidar.
Tag: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan and the She-Devil (1953) – Review
Tarzan and the She-Devil is Lex Barker’s last outing as the vine-swinging Lord of the Jungle, and sadly he leaves the series on a rather lame note. Once again Jane has been recast and once again white man has entered the jungle to poach ivory, but worst of all what this movie lacks in originality…
Tarzan’s Savage Fury (1952) – Review
Tarzan’s Savage Fury has Lex Barker once again as the titular jungle man but we also have another Jane which makes this four Jane’s in just four movies. One has to start wondering if maybe Tarzan is constantly replacing his mate after losing her to one of the many jungle dangers and then just brainwashing…
Tarzan’s Peril (1951) – Review
Tarzan’s Peril is the third outing with Lex Barker in the titular role, but this is with a slightly darker tone than the previous two, and there are no lost civilizations or fountain of youth this time out. For this movie, we go back to the standard “evil white man entering the jungle” threat, which…
Tarzan and the Slave Girl (1950) – Review
Tarzan and the Slave Girl is the second outing with Lex Barker as the Ape Man and though the series still relies much on studio backlots it actually has more fantastical elements than what was seen in any of the Weissmuller movies.