“The Death Ship promises something for everyone, set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance,” well, maybe Alvin Rakoff’s aquatic horror film is a little light on romance but it does have something for everyone. The “Haunted Ship” genre is quite old, dating back to such stories as The Flying Dutchman and…
Tag: George Kennedy
Earthquake (1974) – Review
Back in 1970, Universal Pictures released their star-studded disaster film Airport, a film based on Arthur Hailey’s popular novel that arguably kicked off the 70s’ disaster boom by pulling in $100 million dollars. Then, in 1972, good ol’ 20th Century Fox released their disaster epic The Poseidon Adventure, which amped the carnage up and earned…
The Concorde… Airport ’79 – Review
With three successful entries in their Airport franchise, Universal Studios finally crashed and burned with the fourth installment, The Concorde: Airport ’79. It’s a fact that the Airport movies were never critical darlings, often called relentlessly ridiculous if not out-and-out silly at times, but they were all successful at the box office to varying degrees….
Airport ’77 – Review
With their third installment in their Airport franchise, Universal Studios had the dilemma of coming up with another airline disaster, having already done a mad bomber and a midair collision, so combining hijacking with a heist film must have seemed like the next logical projection, then throw in the added disaster element of the plane…
Airport 1975 – Review
With the box office success of 1970’s Airport, it was no surprise that Universal Studios would attempt to strike gold a second time with another air disaster film, but with Airport 1975, the studio decided to focus more on the disaster element, while toning down the multiple storylines that had bogged down the previous film….