A major question that has been raised in many a horror and science fiction stories is, “Who exactly are the monsters?” Now, going by such works as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Rod Serling’s The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, it’s pretty clear that mankind are the true monsters here — there being enough war…
Tag: horror
Moontrap: Target Earth (2017) – Review
In 1989, a low budget science fiction/horror film was released, it was called Moontrap and starred genre icons Walter Koenig and Bruce Campbell. Then, thirty years later, director Robert Dyke and writer Tex Ragsdale decided to make a sequel…or remake…or something, and I’m pretty sure that neither of these two gentlemen had any idea what…
Moontrap (1989) – Review
Blending horror and science fiction dates back to almost the beginning of cinema — with such outings as the 1910 silent version of Frankenstein — but sci-fi horror movies to do with outer space really kicked into gear with films like It Came From Outer Space and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and then hit their peak…
Hellboy (2019) – Review
In 2004, visionary director Guillermo del Toro adapted the Mike Mignola comic Hellboy to the big screen — it didn’t make much money — then in 2008, Del toro followed up that film with Hellboy II: The Golden Army, a film even better than the original — and it also didn’t make much money —…
Pet Sematary (2019) – Review
Stephen King’s stories have always been a popular choice for film adaptations, from classics like The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining and Misery to Pet Sematary, the latest of his books to receive the big screen treatment, for the second time. Pet Sematary is an eerie movie with great acting, some tense horror moments and outstanding atmosphere, but it doesn’t quite work…