After kicking off their animated division with Antz, a blatant cash-in of Pixar/Disney’s animated flick A Bug’s Life, DreamWorks decided to boldly venture into territory rarely explored by family-friend animated films, that of the Bible story. Aside from such straight-to-video offerings like the Veggie Tales religion and cartoons seldom mixed and when Jeffrey Katzenberg decided…
Tag: Jeff Goldblum
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) – Review
What if Thor and Hulk were roommates? That is just one of many interesting ideas that director Taika Waititi tackles in this latest chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and boy does he have fun exploring them, but of course, the biggest question answered is what exactly were Thor and Hulk doing when everyone else…
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) – Review
When Independence Day hit theatres back in 1996 audiences were blown out of their seats by the amazing practical effects that film had to offer, they were caught up with a charismatic cast that pulled off the right amount of drama and comedy, and it had Randy Quaid yelling, “Hello boys, I’m back!” before blowing…