From Georges Méliès Trip to the Moon to Walt Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, filmmakers have taken to adapting the works of science fiction giant Jules Verne like a duck to water, with even lesser-known pictures like Master of the World earning a certain amount of screen cred. But in 1961, producer Al Zimbalist…
Tag: science fiction
D.A.R.Y.L. (1985) – Review
When it comes to computers with artificial intelligence Hollywood has mostly been in the camp of “This is a really bad idea,” with such notable examples being the murderous Hal 9000 from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, to the more recent entry in the genre the duplicitous Ava from Alex Garland’s Ex Machina, but…
Lost in Space (2018) – Season One Review
When Irwin Allen created the original Lost in Space back in 1965 America was in the middle of the Space Race with the Russians and man had yet to step foot on the moon, now in the year 2018 we’ve been to the moon and back numerous times and Elon Musk is claiming we will…
Lost in Space: The Reluctant Astronaut (1965) – Pilot Review
With the release of the new Lost in Space on Netflix I thought it would be nice to take a journey back in time to the original launching of the Jupiter 2 and the Space Family Robinson.
Ready Player One (2018) – Review
Based on Ernest Cline’s best-selling book of the same name Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One could honestly be marketed as Pop Culture References: The Movie, and to be honest if you’ve seen the trailer that shouldn’t be much of a surprise, but with one of the premier directors of this or any generation at the…