When one thinks of Edgar Rice Burroughs the character of Tarzan readily leaps to mind, but everyone’s favorite ape man was not the first creation of Burroughs, that would be the legendary adventurer John Carter and his awesome stories of Barsoom (Mars to the uninitiated).
Tag: science fiction
Futureworld (1976) – Review
In 1973 a small little science fiction film was released by MGM called Westworld, then three years later American International Pictures made a sequel, and it kind of sucked.
Westworld (1973) – Review
Long before he was resurrecting dinosaurs to hunt mankind author Michael Crichton took a shot at directing a science fiction adventure thriller, and that result was the movie Westworld. As a first time director the studio wasn’t keen on giving him much in the way of a budget; so with just over a million dollars…
Harbinger Down (2015) – Review
When is a film an homage and when is it a blatant rip-off? This is a question most viewers will be pondering when viewing director/writer Alec Gillis and producer Tom Woodruff Jr.’s independently funded film Harbinger Down.
Star Trek Beyond (2016) – Review
The crew of the Enterprise has been exploring the “Final Frontier” for fifty years now and have encountered countless dangers and bumpy-headed aliens, but in 2009 J.J. Abrams rebooted the franchise with a new cast and crew and with this reboot, Abrams created an alternate timeline.