A distress beacon brings a group of astronauts to an alien world where they discover a derelict spacecraft and its dead and calcified giant crew. When the astronauts start being picked off one by one the true horror of their situation begins to be realized.
Tag: science fiction
Predestination (2014) – Review
“What if I could put him in front of you, the man that ruined your life. If I guaranteed you’d get away with it would you kill him?” With that cryptic question, one of the better movies dealing with time travel begins.
The Quatermass Xperiment (1955) – Review
When one thinks of Hammer Films, images of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing stalking gothic hallways leaps to mind. Hammer Films first dabble in horror was actually way back in 1955 with The Quatermass Xperiment; a fantastic horror/science fiction hybrid that captured and terrified audiences of the time.
Vice (2015) – Review
A futuristic resort populated by robots where the guest can act out any fantasy may sound familiar to anyone who’s seen or heard of Michael Crichton’s Westworld but director Brian Miller’s sci-fi thriller Vice does so little with the premise that it’s almost not worth calling this movie a rip-off.
The Moon Maid: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
It seems that Edgar Rice Burroughs and H.G. Wells both held the belief that WWI, or as it was known then as The Great War or The War to End All Wars was just a preamble to bigger conflict and that the world powers would eventually toss the planet into chaos on an even more…