By this fifth installment of the Underworld series we must come to the conclusion that it will continue as long as Kate Beckinsale will agree to wear leather and a corset, the series offers little more than that for returning fans, and the subtitle “Blood Wars” is about as meaningless as the previous installment title…
Tag: vampires
‘Salem’s Lot: From Book to Screen
When it comes to movie adaptations I think only William Shakespeare has had more cinematic translations than author Stephen King, unfortunately, King also holds the record for the number of terrible adaptations of his works.
The Hunger (1983) – Review
Stories with creatures of the night seducing fair maidens for their blood have populated books and movies for ages, so it’s nice when you come across one with a different take on the subject, and in Tony Scott’s first feature film that’s exactly what we got.
Thirst (2009) – Review
Over the years there have been many types of vampires depicted in the movies, from the classic opera cape-wearing Lugosi to the teenage-looking vamps who play baseball during thunderstorms, but lately, it’s been the ones from the foreign market that have been the more interesting, like the Swedish film Let the Right One In and now with…
Afflicted (2013) – Review
Since 1999’s The Blair Witch Project found footage films have increased in quantity, if not always quality, and the fact that they can be made on the cheap, relatively speaking of course, this format will probably never die. The Paranormal Activity series has turned into a multi-million dollar franchise, even though each film has increased in budget…