Tarzan has taken on many villains over the years, and in most cases, they are fictional creations from lost cities or are villainous treasure hunters, but in Tarzan and the Leopard Men, we get our hero tangling with a secret cult that actually operated in West Africa in early-to-mid 20th Century.
Author: Mike Brooks
Star Trek Beyond (2016) – Review
The crew of the Enterprise has been exploring the “Final Frontier” for fifty years now and have encountered countless dangers and bumpy-headed aliens, but in 2009 J.J. Abrams rebooted the franchise with a new cast and crew and with this reboot, Abrams created an alternate timeline.
Ghostbusters (2016) – Review
For years Sony had been trying to get a third Ghostbusters movie off the ground, mostly failing due to Bill Murray’s complete lack of interest, and when the reality that this project was never going to happen finally set in Sony switched gears into reboot mode.
Stranger Things: Season One – Review
Take the kids from E.T. The Extraterrestrial, give one of them the sister from Pretty in Pink, have one of them abducted by the Beast from Poltergeist, and then put them all in the vicinity of the government facility from Firestarter, next you put that all in a blender hit puree and the result is…
Tarzan and the Lion Man: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
“It’s double the danger and double the fun.” If Tarzan and the Lion Man had been adapted into a film back in the 30s that would certainly have been the tagline.