Take a high-concept idea, throw in a heaping helping of dread, and then mix it all up with some nice existential quandaries; the result of such a concoction would be the film Radius, a science fiction/thriller by Canadian directors Caroline Labrèche and Steeve Léonard — a film that keeps the viewer guessing along with the film’s…
Tag: science fiction
The Predator (2018) – Review
According to this film, on the Predator home world, they apparently have their own form of Greenpeace — am I getting that right, is that what this film is about? With this latest outing in the Predator franchise, action comedy director Shane Black does his best to cram five different movies into one – with…
Monster on the Campus (1958) – Review
In the 50s, atomic monsters or alien invaders were all the rage – from giant tarantulas to flying saucers – but despite their inability to destroy buildings, one other science fiction staple overshadowed them all, and that would be that of the mad scientist. In fact, many of the atomic monster that rampaged across America…
Time Trap (2017) – Review
There are many time travel stories – with heroes zipping back and forth through time – from the H.G. Wells’ classic The Time Machine to more modern comedic tales like Back to the Future, but most of these time travel stories have one thing in common, they have some sort of device that propels our…
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) – Review
Did we need a Han Solo origin story? The obvious answer is no – we learned everything we needed to know about the character in Star Wars: A New Hope – but with Disney hell-bent on making the Star Wars brand as big a money-maker as the Marvel movies, we can expect to see a…