Science fiction movies released prior to 1969, and the actual moon landing, ranged from the somewhat series entries like George Pal’s Destination Moon (1950) to the campier type of Cat-Women of the Moon (1953) variety, but regardless of the intent the “science” in those science fiction movies tended to lean towards the more laughable end…
Tag: science fiction
Laserblast (1978) – Review
There are low budget movies, there are next-to-nothing budgeted movies, and then there are movies like 1978’s Laserblast, which looked as if it’s budget consisted mostly of whatever loose change producer Charles Band managed to find under the seat cushions of a Tijuana brothel.
Yor, the Hunter from the Future (1983) – Review
The 80s saw a big boom in sword and sorcery flicks, with Schwarzenegger’s Conan the Barbarian being the real kicking-off point for the genre, but unlike Conan, most of those films were shot with incredibly low budgets and even lower-ranked stars. Such was the case with Yor, the Hunter from the Future a film that…
Bright (2017) – Review
Last year we were treated to a film called La La Land where a heightened and magical version of Los Angeles was given to us, now thanks to Netflix we get another magical version of the City of Angels only this time the magic is more overt and the themes are mean spirited and cynical….
SpaceCamp (1986) – Review
On January 28, 1986, the NASA space shuttle Challenger disintegrated shortly after launch, killing all seven crew members on board, and the whole world mourned the tragic death of those lost souls, but as the world is a bizarre and freaky place 20th Century Fox Pictures just so happened to be making a family-friendly film…